Natanael S. Alpay


  1. 2025 22nd Annual Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis :Lower Bounds for Dyadic Square Functions of indicator functions of sets ( March 29, 2025)
  2. 2025 Mathematics of Data, Dynamics, and Life Sciences (MDDLS) :On the Complex Representer Theorem and Applications to Minimization Problems ( March 20, 2025)
  3. 2025 Advances in Operator Theory with Applications to Mathematical Physics : On the complex representer theorem and applications (Nov 19, 2024)
  4. 2024 Workshop on Schur Analysis and Applications to Hypercomplex Analysis, Neural Networks and Linear Systems : Thermal States on Mittag-Leffler Fock Space of the Slitted Plane (Jan 11, 2024)
  5. JMM 2024 : Thermal States on Mittag Leffler Fock Space of the Slitted Plane (Jan 4, 2024)
  6. 2023 Heat Flow, two-point inequalities, and beyond: On Complex Hypercontractivity after S. Janson. (Oct 31, 2023)
  7. 2022 Advances in Operator Theory with Applications to Mathematical Physics: On the Mittag Leffler Bargmann (MLB) transform (Nov 15, 2022)
  8. 2022 WORKSHOP on Operator Theory with an Eye on Linear Systems and Hypercomplex Analysis: On the Mittag Leffler Bargmann (MLB) transform (May 31, 2022)
  9. SCCUR2021: Generalized Fock space using fractional derivatives with Applications to Uniqueness of Sampling and Interpolation Sets. (Nov 20, 2021)
  10. IWOTA 2021: Generalized Fock space and fractional derivative (Special Session 3, Page 22) (Aug 11, 2021)
  11. RAMiCS 2020: (conference proceedings) (Oct 29, 2020)
  12. Capstone Presentation 2020: The Structure of Distributive Idempotent Weakly Conservative Lattice-ordered Magmas. (abstract) (May 9, 2020)
  13. Capstone Presentation 2020: Minimal surfaces. (Abstract) (May 9, 2020)
  14. JMM 2020 National Meeting: Commutative doubly-idempotent semirings determined by chains and by preorder forests. (abstract) (Jan 17, 2020)
  15. AMS 2019 Sectional Meeting: Some structural results about commutative doubly-idempotent semirings. (abstract) (Nov 10 17, 2019)

Other Projects

In addition to math research I have also looked and worked on projects in different topics

  1. Abstract Algebra and Virtual Reality
  2. Machine Learning

Graduarte Student in Mathamtics at University California Irvine.

Undergraduate from Chapman University. BS in Mathematics, Phyiscs and Computer Science. BA in French.
