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Unary-determined distributive l-magmas and bunched implication algebras

Authors: Natanael Alpay, Peter Jipsen and Melissa Sugimoto


A distributive lattice-ordered magma (dl-magma) $(A,\wedge,\vee,\cdot)$ is a distributive lattice with a binary operation $\cdot$ that preserves joins in both arguments, and when $\cdot$ is associative then $(A,\vee,\cdot)$ is an idempotent semiring. A $d\ell$-magma with a top $\top$ is unary-determined if $x{\cdot} y=(x{\cdot}\!\top\wedge y)$ $\vee(x\wedge \top\!{\cdot}y)$. These algebras are term-equivalent to a subvariety of distributive lattices with $\top$ and two join-preserving unary operations $p,q$. We obtain simple conditions on $p,q$ such that $x{\cdot} y=(px\wedge y)\vee(x\wedge qy)$ is associative, commutative, idempotent and/or has an identity element.

This generalizes previous results on the structure of doubly idempotent semirings and, in the case when the distributive lattice is a Heyting algebra, it provides structural insight into unary-determined algebraic models of bunched implication logic.

We also provide Kripke semantics for the algebras under consideration, which leads to more efficient algorithms for constructing finite models.

Published at RAMiCS 2021 conference proceedings. (Link).

Presetned at

  1. Sympsiuum 2021
  2. Capstone Presentation 2020: The Structure of Distributive Idempotent Weakly Conservative Lattice-ordered Magmas. (abstract) (May 9, 2020)